Well hello there folks, Brandon here with a hot and fresh bit of lore to tide you over until the release of Issue 1.
Today’s post is about the Ranger Corps, a Private Military Corporation of exceptional persons, founded many years ago to protect people who otherwise could not defend themselves from powerful or otherworldly threats.
The Ranger Corps was founded in 2341 by Gen. Frederick Acedo. In a bid to combat the Rot, he created the Ranger Corps by finding the best and brightest fighters from around the Free States, gathering them up, and leading them under a banner. In the words of Frederick himself, the Ranger Corps are comprised “…of individuals, either gifted with a deep connection to the Stream, or skilled with hand, blade, or firearm.”
The motto of the Ranger Corps is “Non ad Bellum Certamus, sed ad Vitam Eorum Quae non Possunt” or, “We Do Not Fight for War, but to Save the Lives of Those that Cannot”
Rangers deploy in teams of 4, in varied deployments of 2-6 teams. A Ranger Team is comprised of 4 members, the Lead, the Point, the Cross, and the Specialist.
- Lead (L) – The Leader of the squad, the Lead makes tactical decisions with the Point while leading the Cross and Specialist. Generally capable of dishing a good deal of damage.
- Point (P) – The Point takes the role of the Leader’s collaborator and subordinate, managing Communications with other teams and while also participating in the fight.
- Cross (X) – The Cross is the Squad’s source of heavy damage, and a balance to the Specialist’s support role.
- Specialist (S) – The Specialist takes the 4th spot in a squad with tools that support the team in a direct or indirect fashion, such as healing their teammates or catching enemies off guard with a flanking maneuver.
A well-coordinated Team can deal with threats 10 times their manpower, a well-coordinated deployment can do much more.

The Seal of the Ranger Corps, as shown here, depicts the “Three-Pointed Mountain,” said to be the site of the great battle that caused the Roaring and unleashed the Stream upon the world again.
People join the Ranger Corps by participating in Ranger Trials, a long-term training camp akin to a tenure at a college. Generally, a Ranger Trainee will experience 6 “Blocks” of 2 months training in general topics like Evasion, Defense, Enemy Identification, and Stream Attunement. They will then go on another 6-12 Blocks of Specialized Training that takes advantage of their natural talents & abilities.
Once a Trainee is through with training, they progress to an event known as the Ranger Games, a capstone and competition to determine who is the best in the corps. An individuals’ placement in the Games can potentially determine where they get deployed to. The winners will get deployed to “Hot Zones,” areas of high Rot activity, while lower placers will get deployed to local garrisons. However, all that pass the Ranger Trials become pillars of their communities.
Well, that’s our first Lore Post wrapped up! I wish I could say more but, if I’m being honest, Many of the background elements are story-related and dropping too many hints too early is never a good thing. Anyway, if you want to read more posts like this Lore Post then head over Here. Alternatively, if you want to read the Fiction Primer, click Here.
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