What is Rangers of Acedonia?
Rangers of Acedonia is a Web Serial published Bimonthly in Issues. It takes inspiration from a wide variety of sources, including ’30s Pulp Adventure Novels, Manga, and Comic Books.
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Rangers of Acedonia takes place in the far-flung future of 2425. After a global nuclear war threatened to wipe humanity off of the face of the earth. This event, known as The Burial of Mankind, came to pass on April 7th, 2055. The polar ice caps shrunk, natural disasters and radiation ravaged the surface, mutating and shaping it. Whatever wasn’t washed away by flooding or hurricanes was torn to shreds by hordes of mutant beasts.
All hope was not lost, However…

During the Cold War, the world’s governments each devised ways to secure the future of humanity in the event of global disaster. Most countries chose to construct massive underground facilities, known as Arcoplexes, to shelter their massive populations and ensure the survival of the human race. Against all odds, the human spirit triumphed.
Humanity’s battles were far from over, however. A great event known as The Roaring caused a stirring within the bowels of the earth, reawakening an energy field known as The Stream. This energy field allows humans to perform great feats, some would say miracles, if they are attuned to it.
No one knows for sure what caused The Roaring, although stories of a tribe of surface dwellers known as the Whistlers and their defeat of a great and powerful demon are a common tale.
Many years later, January 17th 2276 to be precise, a man named Alan Ford, of the Arcoplex 3 17th Expeditionary Company, took the first steps outside of an Arcoplex in over 200 years. He, alongside his friend Bulsara Acedo, founded the Free States of Acedonia, and heralded the newest chapter in human history, the Age of Reclamation.
The Age of Reclamation wasn’t without strife, of course. All of the Arcoplexes opening at once caused a land rush over the newly christened Eiricksland. Four major factions arose; Northern Eiricksland, consuming what once was Canada and the Northern U.S., Port Avilard, holding territory over formerly Mexican and Western U.S. land, the Sovereign Helm Republic, claiming the Northeast Coast, and the Free States of Acedonia, taking the Central and Southwest U.S. These factions quickly fell into turmoil as the Eiricksland Territory Wars left them at each other’s throats.
These Wars were brought to an end by General Frederick Acedo, the grandson of Bulsara Acedo, who bartered a peace treaty between the major 4 factions, uniting them under one flag, the Nations under the Eiricksland Treaty, or NET.

As mentioned before, the former American wildlife had been twisted out of form, the landscapes permanently altered. Ruins of cities, overgrown with plant and smoothed by wind and water, were inhabited by mutated animals, entire new species, and a powerful enemy.
This enemy is known as The Rot. From what we know of them, they are beings created of a sort of pollution in the Stream. Wherever a large source of negative energy is, a group of Rot Creatures are sure to follow. They lash out on sight at anyone that has even a small connection to the Stream, which constitutes a majority of the world’s population. They are a hardy breed, and can only be taken care of by individuals with a deep connection to the Stream, or sufficiently tough individuals besides. It was clear that something needed to be done, and one man knew what to do.
In January 2341, Gen. Frederick Acedo retired from the newly-created Eiricksland Continental Army, or “Conties” for short, because he had a solution to the Rot problem. Taking inspiration from the Old Earth “Texas Rangers,” he used his leadership skills and strong will to “re-found” them, shortened to just “Rangers,” as a multidiscipline, non-government combat force. The Rangers are comprised, in his own words, “…of individuals, either gifted with a deep connection to the Stream, or skilled with hand, blade, or firearm.” in November 2342, alongside his friend Alan Ford, he officiated the first Ranger Trials at what is known today as the Xavier Holt Memorial Training Center, the premiere Ranger Traning Center (RTC) in the entire world.

Under the watchful gaze of Gen. Acedo, the Ranger Corps flourished. His health was beginning to wane, however, and he conceded the role of Ranger General to Xavier Holt, his apprentice and right-hand man some time in the 2350s.
Xavier Holt is considered by many to be a folk hero in the same vein as Davy Crockett or Wyatt Earp. Nobody knows exactly how or when he died, but the 20-some-odd years of legends and tales of his exploits with Frederick and their team earned him the title, one that stuck so deep into the public conscious that the Acedonian Free States Ranger Training Center was renamed in his honor to the Xavier Holt Memorial Training Center in 2361. In fact, the plaque on the statue bearing his image does not list him as Dead – only “Missing in Action” – to further his status as an “Ideal Ranger,” and as a figurehead for Rangers Old and New.
The Rangers did an excellent job combating the forces of the Rot, responding quickly to threats and executing their plans with great efficiency. Their numbers grew and grew, and by 2400, the Ranger Corps had membership greater than 80,000.
However, the Rangers had a battle coming for them, unlike any Burial-Child had seen.
A great Demon, a construct of the Rot, made it’s way to the world of man in March 2407. It was there in Mission City, Port Avilard, that Wallace Arka, a famous Ranger Captain and leader of the “05th Rangers ‘Defenders’” Ranger Team, made a strategic decision that cost the lives of nearly every single Ranger deployed that day, totalling as many as 50,000 lives lost. The Demon was fought back, however, and so too was the forces of the Rot, at least for a time. Among the losses were two of Wallace’s team members; his friend Quentin Blanko, and his wife Rebecca. This tragedy, along with his only remaining team member Leon Arwood retiring from the Corps, caused Wallace to supposedly end his own life later that year, though his corpse was never found.

Many years later, an ambitious young girl by the name of Shattern Ward is attending her county’s community college. Spurred on by her adoptive mother Laura Lange, and Breckenridge Community College Dean Leon Arwood, Shattern is thrust into the rough-and-tumble world of the Ranger Corps, and trains to participate in what may very well be the final Ranger Trials. What difficulties will she face in her journey to become a Ranger? Who will she befriend in her quest? Who are her real parents? Find out in the Bi-Monthly Web Serial…
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