Welcome to the Webzone of Cole Slaw
!!NEW!! – Rangers of Acedonia – !! NEW!!
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My name is Brandon “Cole Slaw” Malcom. I hail from a Flyover country in the midwestern USA, and am far younger than I look.
I have a little experience in a variety of subjects, including Computer Science, Music Creation, Game Development, Nonprofessional Filmmaking, Visual Arts & Animation, and Writing.
This webzone also hosts a Webcomic of my own creation, Rangers of Acedonia, a story about a Girl finding her place in the world, except that world is post-post apocalyptic and her place is fighting the spawn of hell. Find that Here.
It will also, hopefully, serve as an online log of my life and activities. A lone footprint on the vast, uncharted territory of the ‘Net.
Why the name “Cole Slaw?”
To explain it would take far too long, but it comes from the main character and author-insert of a lengthy original story I had when I was a wee lad, playing with my Lego in the basement and scribbling on cheap paper with metallic crayons. When it was time to make a steam account for my 13th birthday, the temporary name stuck, and I’ve used it ever since.