(I’ve got) Too much time on my hands…
Happy Belated 4th! Just giving you guys a quick update on the situation at coleslawis.cool
If you couldn’t tell by the way I updated my “About Me,” I recently lost my job. I’ve been recovering from the emotional strain of losing a job, my source of income, that I loved. The day after my birthday, no less. I was having a blast at Legoland, and to say I spiraled a bit would be an understatement.
However, I’ve done quite a bit of recovery since then (5 weeks to be specific) and am finally in a good place to continue doing stuff online. Part of my recovery was spending a few weeks at my parent’s house, recentering myself (and fixing my dad’s barn for room and board). I intended on posting lore updates quickly after the initial announcement post, but my unplanned week’s stay at my parent’s house over 4th of July week footstooled that.
I take time to get projects moving, building momentum and all. Stuff that breaks that momentum can stop me dead. But, I’m hoping in time that I’ll keep this one going. A momentum killer recently was my whiteboards falling off the walls while I was gone and me inadvertently erasing my tentative schedule. Whoops c:
(You’re looking at) The Plan
So, here’s the general month-to-month plan content-wise;
- Lore Posts detailing the extensive worldbuilding I’ve been doing
- Character Bios giving information on the key players in the story
- Behind-The-Scenes Posts, about my processes and/or other ancilliary things related to the project.
- Bonus Content, stuff like 4-Panel Omake comics or Sketches. Stuff that doesn’t go anywhere else.
- General News & Personal Blog Posts when no other content is planned/available
The Lore Post Deluge for July is as follows;
- July 15th – Lore Post – The Ranger Corps
- July 17th – Character Bio – Shattern Ward
- July 20th – Character Bio – Laura Lange
- July 22nd – Lore Post – The Lange House Orphanage
- July 24th – Lore Post – the Outlands
- July 27th – Character Bio – Frederick Acedo
- July 29th – Lore Post – The Rot
And looking further out;
- August
- Better Schedule Mid-August
- 10 more Lore Posts and Character Bios
- Behind-The-Scenes Posts
- Bonus Content
- September Schedule posted 28th-30th-ish
- September
- September 17th: Issue 1 of Rangers of Acedonia (!!!)
- 5 Lore Posts/Character Bios
- BTS & Bonus Content
- 4th Quarter 2023
- Issue 2 of Rangers of Acedonia
- Issue 3 of Rangers of Acedonia (Time Permitting)
So yeah, lots to look forward to! Keep in mind I’m a solo outfit, doing this for the fun of it. I’m not planning on making any money off of this comic, but I’m going to be setting up a Patreon soon in case you want to throw money at me for no good reason. I hope to see you here on coleslawiscool.net soon!
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