ColeSlawIs.Cool – The Digital Webzone of Brandon "Cole Slaw" Malcom

Author of Rangers of Acedonia – Formerly Known as

Hello again people, it’s Brandon with a Combo Lore post and Character Profile! Today we take a look at the Lange House Orphanage and it’s proprietor, Laura Lange.

Laura Lange

Laura Lange

Age – 43

Sex- Female

Height – 5’6

Likes: Warm Milk, Taking Care of Children, The Color Pink

Dislikes: Goodbyes, Moving Furniture, Dirty Toilets, Dogs (but only the little, mean ones)

Laura Lange is the owner of the Lange House Orphanage, located in Breckenridge, FSA. She’s been doing so ever since her father, Isaac , passed away when she was 27. While it was a bit of a learning curve, she took to the role gracefully, falling in love with the kids that would come into her care, and caring for them like her own children. She does have her own children, by the way. She has two children, Jesse Jr. and Lincoln.

Laura is a compassionate, matronly lady. Even from a young age, people said that she treated them like their children. Whether that was a good or bad thing would depend on who you asked.

Her Sister, Lena, decided to follow in her sister’s footsteps and established an orphanage as well. She, however, decided to cross seas and establish one in Neuerhafen.

The Lange House Orphanage

The Lange House Orphanage is, as previously mentioned an Orphanage in Breckenridge, FSA. It is where Laura Lange and her live-in assistant Shattern raise wayward children from all over Carpenter County. It has been operating since Laura’s father, Isaac Mitarbeit, decided to open one as a response to the Battle of Mammoth Mound and it’s effects on the population of Breckenridge. Isaac took in 20 children at first, but he quickly found that his unique style of surrogate parentage made for more well-adjusted children and, therefore, some would say more attractive with regards to adoption.

However, the other part of their situation was more interesting. For the children that did not get adopted, he decided to raise them himself. Laura and Lena were two such children, born to a Ranger Couple that perished during the Battle of Mammoth Mound. He raised the two children which potential foster parents called “Inconsolable.” Isaac’s comforting voice and stern parenting transformed them into the adults they became today.

This model would persist into Laura’s propreitorship of the Lange House, renamed for Laura’s husband, Patrick Lange, a Sergeant in the Eiricksland Continental Army. Although Pat is away for most times, Laura and Shattern help raise and home children displaced by Rot attacks, and everyone looks forward to when he comes back for the holidays.

Well, thanks for stopping by and reading today’s post! I took the executive decision to merge the 20th’s post with today’s since their topics synchronized so well (although it would have been smart to announce that BEFORE delaying it. :p Sorry!) Expect me to add an image of the Lange House soon, wouldn’t want to leave you in the dark on that one. As always, if you haven’t read the Lore Primer, go Here, and peep the rest of the lore posts Here. I’m also gonna plug my Discord. If you didn’t know I had one, then you’re in the majority. A’ight, enough stalling, see you later and Stay Excellent!


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